Friday, March 28, 2008

Demo Reel, Mark 1

I've been putting together my reel, still finishing of the pieces I want in there, which should be done by the weekend. But I thought I should post my progress thus far!
There's some glitches with my compression..and hopefully I will fix them too. :)

Click here to watch! (69Mb Quicktime)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Random Update

Hah! I forgot to post my self caricature model here...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

DFA Paintings

Here's some paintings from DFAII.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Vilppu Figure Workshop

So this week I was lucky enough to attend Glenn Vilppu's five day figure drawing workshop. Today was, sadly, the last day, but I learned so much it's not even funny. I am still millions of light years away from being good at this but I thought I would post some of the stuff I managed to scratch onto the paper. :)

I'll dump all of it onto blog later..but for now...